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Discover Your

Natural State of Health...

with Plant-Based Nutrition

Stop "managing" your chronic disease and transform your health

with the power of plants! 



Subscribe below to learn more!

You'll get my free one hour webinar and learn all about the basics of Plant Based Nutrition

BONUS: you'll also get my famous Kitchen Sink Smoothie recipe!

In my free webinar you'll learn:

  • Why "chicken/salmon diets" will never undo years of chronic disease

  • Why carbohydrate avoidance will never reverse Type 2 diabetes (because it doesn't address the underlying CAUSE of the problem) and the diet that is 3 times more effective at lowering HgbA1C (long-term measure of blood sugar) than the American Diabetic Association Diet.

  • The diet that was 40 times more effective than a Mediterranean diet at making subjects "heart attack proof" as well being able to reverse other arterial flow diseases such as erectile dysfunction, diabetic neuropathy and blindness, lower back pain, and more.

  • Where do you get your protein!?

  • What food can I eat on a Plant-Based Diet?​

  • Subscribe and you'll also receive my inflammation-fighting Kitchen Sink Smoothie recipe!

Get your freebies!

Thanks for subscribing!

Photo of Stephanie on Veg Fest stage with Dr. Milton Mills

VegFest 2023 with Dr. Milton Mills


Meet Stephanie

​Stephanie is Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine

through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. 

She combines this knowledge with 27 years of experience as a cardiac RN directing chronic disease management programs within the healthcare system.  

I've spent 27 years working within the medical system as a cardiac RN treating the SYMPTOMS of chronic disease.  We reversed my husband's diabetes with a Plant-Based Diet. Now I want to empower my clients to transform their health by treating the CAUSE... with Plant Based Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine!

Stephanie is passionate about unlocking the potential of plant-based nutrition to transform the health of people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Photo of Stephanie standing outside in the sun.
Photo of Stephanie at Farmer's Market microgreens stand.




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"We have two lives.   And the second begins

when we realize we only have one."


Photo of Swap it Cookbook Cover.  Vegan 3 layer lasagna

Worried about giving up your favorite foods?

That's why Stephanie created the "Swap It!" cookbook! Her easy recipes swap out high fat, inflammatory animal products with life affirming plant alternatives.  Stephanie focuses on easy Whole Food Plant Based alternatives to SAD favorites like ricotta cheese, pudding, ice cream, spinach artichoke dip, ranch dressing, cheesy soups, parmesan cheese, french fries, whipped cream and more!  You'll also learn WHY making these changes will transform your health, as well as "Maximum Results" adaptations to recipes to accelerate weight loss and promote reversal of chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and more!  The 46 page cookbook features full page photos of recipes as well short nutrition tips and explainers, and an FAQ page answering the most common questions about Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition. Stephanie is Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.  She uses this knowledge, along with 27 years of experience within the medical system to empower you to and break the cycle of worsening chronic disease and take charge of your health for good.   The Swap It!  Cookbook is also included with ALL of Stephanie's Online Courses.

Mini Courses

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The Complete 21 Day Plant Based Challenge Course



  1. Jump Start Course

  2. Tackling Diabetes Course

  3. You're As Old as Your Arteries Course

  4. Weight Loss Course

  5. Wrap up Course​


  • FREE Group Coaching session with Stephanie

  • Enrollment in our monthly Food is Medicine Club Support Group

Stephanie in front of large screen teaching a nutrition class

Follow me on Instagram!



Drawing of hand writing with a pencil

Hear their own story

Photo of Rosemary-links to her testimonial video
Photo of Janet-links to her testimonial video

Rosemary's Story

Janet's Story

Vegetable Garden

There is a better way.

After receiving another new prescription from your doctor, have you ever wondered "Why can't I just fix this problem with the right food?" 

And then tried to research "healthy diets" only to be bombarded with an avalanche of conflicting information and targeted advertisements? 

But there is a way we can know what food is best for us.  It is called the scientific method. 

Decades of peer-reviewed research have demonstrated that a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet can significantly improve and frequently reverse Standard American Diet-induced conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and more that have come to be considered "normal" by many today in the medical community.  And the American College of Lifestyle Medicine has developed a Board Certification to denote clinicians with advanced training in treating these conditions with lifestyle. 


I've been a cardiac RN for over 25 years. We reversed my husband's diabetes with a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet.  After completing my Board Certification in Lifestyle Medicine, I now want to empower everyone to transform their health!

All that is required to start is an open mind and a willingness to try new foods

that nourish and heal your body.

If you're ready to take that first step to regain your natural state of health, follow me on social media and check out my online courses. Let's walk this path together! 


You can do this!


“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. 

When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

Ayurvedic proverb

DISCLAIMER: Stephanie Spencer is a Registered Nurse .  She has a Certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell as well as a Board Certification in Lifestyle Medicine through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.  Stephanie is not a Registered Dietitian. She cannot prescribe medication or discontinue medication. The content and material on this website should not be considered medical advice nor medical treatment for any specific health conditions. Always consult your doctor before changing your diet and discuss any and all medications you are taking, including monitoring your health for positive changes that may require decreasing your medication dosages under your doctor's supervision. 

©2019, 2023 by Natural State of Health. 

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