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Work with Stephanie to develop
a plan that is tailored to YOU!

Stephanie Spencer RN, BSN, DipACLM
Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner
American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Individualized coaching sessions can be utilized by individuals, or as group sessions with spouses, and/or family members.


Stephanie combines a Board Certification in Lifestyle Medicine with twenty seven years of experience caring for people from all walks of life in the "real world."

We'll all work together to pinpoint your particular "pain points," clarify your health goals,  and discuss how to tailor an Action Plan to meet your individualized health goals.


These coaching sessions can be especially helpful if you do not have a "Plant-Based sympathetic" or Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine health care provider.  If you need a different time other than what is listed on the calendar at checkout, please email Stephanie at and we'll get it worked out!   

Our Services

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DISCLAIMER: Stephanie Spencer is a Registered Nurse .  She has a Certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell as well as a Board Certification in Lifestyle Medicine through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.  Stephanie is not a Registered Dietitian. She cannot prescribe medication or discontinue medication. The content and material on this website should not be considered medical advice nor medical treatment for any specific health conditions. Always consult your doctor before changing your diet and discuss any and all medications you are taking, including monitoring your health for positive changes that may require decreasing your medication dosages under your doctor's supervision. 

©2019, 2023 by Natural State of Health. 

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