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The Complete

21 Day Plant-Based Challenge Course


Online, Self-paced


Stephanie Spencer RN, BSN, DipACLM

Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner

American Board of Lifestyle Medicine


Photo of a video camera recording Stephanie teaching a class

​The Complete 21 Day Plant Based Challenge Course includes:


  • Over 9 hours of video classes taught by Stephanie 

  • Over 43 Learning Modules

  • Homework Assignments

  • Individualized  Worksheets

  • Social Media support

  • WFPB recipes, resources 

  • PLUS....

Photo of older man and woman looking at computer screen




All 21DPBC Purchases include a


with Stephanie

Next session:Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 at 12 pm CST

You will receive the Zoom link to this session

in your confirmation email after purchase.




 You will be emailed the Zoom link for our monthly meeting of


Learn from Plant Based physicians, share tips, tricks, recipes, favorite books, make new friends, and ask Stephanie any questions you may have.  




Stephanie's just-released "Swap It!" Cookbook.  46 pages with full page photos of delicious WFPB creations to satisfy your cravings for:  Spinach Artichoke Dip, Lasagna, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Ranch Dressing, Broccoli Cheese Soup and more!


Swap It! Cookbook cover with photo of vegan 3 layer lasagna





  • Intro video-instructions from Stephanie

  • Pantry prep and shopping list

  • Physician consultation instructions, baseline lab work

  • Printable Plant Based references and resources for your physician from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine

  • Personalized Lab results and biometrics worksheet

  • How strict do I need to be? Goals worksheet

  • ACLM Food as Medicine Jumpstart Kit




Class One: "Where do You Get Your Protein?"

                    Learning to replace meat with plant alternatives

Class Two: Tackling Diabetes with Plants

                   Learning to replace dairy with plant alternatives

Class Three: You're as Old as Your Arteries! Tackling Heart Disease 

                     Learning to cook without oil

Class Four: Plant Based Nutrition and Weight Loss


Students typically take 4 weeks to complete one class per week while developing new cooking skills learned in each class.




After you've built up your Plant Based knowledge base and cooking skills, start your 21 Day Challenge.  ALL IN! No meat, no dairy, no oil! Eat 100% Nutrient-dense Whole Food Plants for 3 WEEKS!




After completing your 21 Day Challenge, you will repeat your labs, weight, and blood pressure.  Be prepared to be amazed. It's so much more effective to treat  the cause of health problems with the right food than treating the symptoms with pills! 


Class Five:  "Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life"

Now that you've completed the 21 Day Plant Based Challenge and have experienced the difference in how you feel, it is time to decide how you want to eat for the rest of your life.  In this class, Stephanie covers "where do we go from here?" as well as

resources on how and when to consult Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Doctors and information about Plant Based Physician Specialists. 


We'd love to hear your success story at our monthly "Food is Medicine" virtual Support group meeting.  Once enrolled in the 21DPBC Course, you will receive a monthly email newsletter with

the Zoom link to the meeting.  It is the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7 pm.

Perhaps you’ve seen a documentary or heard stories of people who have been able to drastically improve and frequently even reverse chronic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary artery disease with a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet.


About 80% of our health care budget is spent on the treatment of diseases that are caused by the food we eat.   Most medical specialties are built around technical expertise in performing highly intensive and/or invasive procedures caused by these “food-borne illnesses” that are assumed to be needed on just about every human around their 5th decade of life and beyond (heart catheterizations and stents, colonoscopies, prostate procedures, chemotherapy, insulin pumps, chronic diabetic wound treatment, etc., etc., etc.). 


I’m a cardiac RN and I’ve spent decades caring for heart failure patients with all of the above problems from the beginning of their illness to the last weeks and days of their lives.  Unfortunately, our health care system frequently does not incentivize nutritional interventions that have been shown to effectively address the underlying causes of disease. So by default, we usually end up only treating the symptoms of Standard American Diet-induced diseases for the last 30-40 years of people's lives. 

Stephanie standing in front of trays of leafy microgreens at farmers market

In early 2019, in an effort to seek a more natural way to promote health, I took an entirely new career direction and started Natural State Microgreens and began selling this superfood to restaurants and at farmers’ markets. Ironically, around this same time, my husband Paul developed pre-diabetes. Type 2 diabetes has been my nemesis my entire professional career because it was frequently the root cause of the loss of health and life of so many of my patients. I had heard of the effectiveness of Plant-Based Nutrition in reversing diabetes, so we immediately switched to a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet (WFPBD), and within 4 months, Paul’s diabetes was reversed!




Subscribe below to view my FREE one hour webinar

"Change Your Food, Change Your Life!"


Thanks for submitting!






A few things I learned in our personal WFPB journey:


  • A WFPBD is very easy to stick to, the food is delicious,  and most importantly, we were never hungry.


  • A WFPBD involved eating many different foods than we were accustomed to. This food was delicious and much more exciting than our usual fare, but in order to make such a definitive shift away from many of the comforting and familiar foods we had been eating for decades, it was necessary for me to have a solid understanding as to WHY this way of eating was so beneficial to our health and is in fact superior nutrition for humans than the meat/dairy/starch/vegetable formula that we were taught from childhood. 


  • Once you clearly understand the importance of Whole Food Plant-Based eating, you just need to keep an open mind, be willing to try some new foods, learn a few new cooking skills and you’re on your way!   


Once I realized how easy a WFPBD is to maintain over time

(Paul and I both steadily lost over 20# without even trying), and how effective it is at greatly improving and frequently reversing chronic disease like Paul’s pre-diabetes, I had an epiphany.  I realized that what is missing in healthcare today is the foundational nutritional knowledge and support needed to change dietary habits and address the underlying cause of so many of our health problems. I obtained a Certification in

Plant-Based Nutrition through the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies offered through Cornell University, and then I also obtained a Board Certification in Lifestyle Medicine through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.


After spending the last 20 years directing programs to manage chronic disease, it is such a privilege to now be able to give my students the nutritional tools they need to TRANSFORM their health and even reverse these chronic diseases.  

graduate-badge from the T. Colin Campbell Plant Based Certificate Program
American College of Lifestyle Medicine badge


What if I'm not ready to give up meat and dairy yet?


You do NOT have to have already made up your mind to never eat meat and dairy again to start this course.  Research has shown that every step you take in a plant-based direction improves health. The first step is learning new ways to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes on a regular basis.  Your taste buds will evolve and will start to pull you in a more plant-based direction over time. Even if you decide you can never give up meat and dairy altogether, if you can minimize these products in your diet while replacing them with

health-promoting foods, you will improve your health. 


Crock of vegan chili with avocado chunks
Young girl having a good morning healthy
Abstract Lights


21 Day Plant-Based Challenge Reviews



"There is a set of stairs I have to climb to my doctor's office.  I used to have to go one step at a time and rest between steps.  10 days after starting this diet, I walked up the stairs like a normal person with one foot in front of the other. This may seem small to others, but it is the best thing that has happened to me-

I can't believe my good luck!"


"I took this course because my bloodwork showed that my kidneys were starting to show signs of decreased functioning.  Three weeks after starting Stephanie's program, we repeated my bloodwork and my doctor and I were amazed to see that my kidney function had returned to normal!"


I appreciate the variety of research presented...not just one source/one-sided.”


“I lost 17# in two months and finally kicked my heroin-like sugar addiction.”


“Excellent on several levels: science and evidence, practical challenges, recipes, and resources on-line and in the community.”


“Great resources! Great information provided clarity to a lot of questions I had.  Loved that the class was presented in various stages...and all were made to feel comfortable, welcome, and successful.”


“My baseline cholesterol was 340.  My doctor put me on a statin and I started this class soon after.   2 months later, my cholesterol was down to 176!”


“....Have really appreciated a sharing of nutrition education WITHOUT hidden agendas, propaganda or marketing schemes.  So refreshing.”


“You really opened my eyes about what I am eating and I feel so much better, less tired and not weighed down after I eat.  I haven’t eaten milk or meat since the beginning of the first weekend and I don’t miss it!”


“I’ve watched many WFPB YouTube presentations and Stephanie knows her stuff!  I still learned important information I didn’t know.”


“I’ve lost 8 pounds the first month and my blood pressure

has dropped 10 points and total cholesterol dropped 65 points!”





Image by Free To Use Sounds
smoothie bowl with colorful fruit
asian noodle bowl with boo chow cabbage
stack of 3 vegan pancakes with raspberries and maple syrup






Option 1:  Make no dietary changes.  Continue to increase medications and research recommended invasive treatment options. Learn to live with a continual mild sense of hunger with portion-restriction diets.


Option 2: Try to figure out a healthy diet on your own, why organic guru x contradicts organic guru y, decipher research articles, google the clinical significance of the p-value. Maybe just resort to trial-and-error diets for the next couple of years.


Option 3: Cut out the guesswork with a practical step-by-step course, monitoring progress with your lab results, that will quickly transition you to the diet recommended by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and demonstrated by decades of peer-reviewed research to drastically improve and even reverse our most common chronic diseases as well as achieve permanent weight loss with no hunger. Regain your natural state of health today!​


Traveling in Nature
Lake on a hike

​Total package value: $299


Today's price: $149





"We have two lives.   And the second begins

when we realize we only have one."




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Email Stephanie:



DISCLAIMER: Stephanie Spencer is a Registered Nurse .  She has a Certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell as well as a Board Certification in Lifestyle Medicine through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.  Stephanie is not a Registered Dietitian. She cannot prescribe medication or discontinue medication. The content and material on this website should not be considered medical advice nor medical treatment for any specific health conditions. Always consult your doctor before changing your diet and discuss any and all medications you are taking, including monitoring your health for positive changes that may require decreasing your medication dosages under your doctor's supervision. 

©2019, 2023 by Natural State of Health. 

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